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Artworks by the Artists of Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists 2022

MOP 250.00

The "Collective Exhibition of Macau Artists" was held in 1984, aimed at discovering local outstanding artists, artworks and establishing a showcase for the local painting and calligraphy art. Over the past years, the exhibition has attracted many senior and new artists to participate actively, and played an important role in the inheritance and development of calligraphy and painting art. This catalog brings together a total of 82 pieces/sets of winning and selected artworks from the artworks collected, in 2021.

In the Breezes of Spring - Paintings and Calligraphy by Yang Shanshen Donated to the MAM Collection by Lei Loi Tak and Lao Ngai Leong

MOP 490.00

Yang Shanshen (1913 – 2004), a native of Taishan, Guangdong, was a master of the Lingnan School of Painting. This catalogue includes a total of 100 sets of calligraphy and paintings donated by Lei Loi Tak and Lao Ngai Leong to the Macao Museum of Art, all of which are masterpieces of Yang Shanshen in his later years. In addition to savouring the works of art, readers will not only have a glimpse of Yang’s style of Lingnan School painting, but also appreciate the benevolence of Lei and Lao.

Review of Culture, Chinese edition, no. 114 (RCC)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

See Table of Contents in the publication

A Tale of Three Cities - Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Export of Silk Products in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

MOP 360.00

With descriptions in Chinese, Portuguese and English, this catalogue contains a rich variety of pictures and text to introduce the flourishing maritime trade in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area during the Ming and Qing dynasties and in contemporary times. As an important stronghold of the Maritime Silk Road, the Greater Bay Area has always been a hub of maritime trade between China and foreign countries and a meeting point between Eastern and Western civilisations. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, when the East and West sea routes were opened up, silk became an important commodity to be exported to all parts of the world through the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The export of silk products was a testament to the glory of the handicraft industry in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and the progress of globalisation of trade. Today, the art of silk embroidery is still being passed down and developed, playing a positive role in shaping and enriching the cultural connotations of the Greater Bay Area and enhancing its cultural soft power. The catalogue A Tale of Three Cities: Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area & Export of Silk Products in the Ming and Qing Dynasties is divided into four sections, namely “The Greater Bay Area”, “Export Silk”, “The Changing World” and “The Greater Bay Area Today”. It introduces the golden era of silk trade between China and foreign countries in the Ming and Qing dynasties through maps, paintings, documents, porcelain, silk fabrics, clothing, furniture, coins, etc.

City Imprints - Maps from the Archives of Macao

MOP 90.00

“City Imprints - Maps from the Archives of Macao” complies design drawings, planning illustrations, water supply system plans, hydrographic maps and land maps which vividly outline the course of development of the city of Macao in the hundred years from 1880’s to 1980’s.

鏗鏘歲月 - 冼為鏗訪談錄

MOP 90.00

本書依照時序軸線,記錄下冼為鏗先生走過大半世紀的風雨人生 - 從他童年經歷太平洋戰爭爆發、目睹日本軍機轟炸港島,到其後輾轉舉家來澳定居,再到1950年發起創建澳門學聯,積極開展愛國活動等經歷;透過口述記錄,還原了冼為鏗先生投身澳門教育事業,推動澳門教育發展,以及曾促成高秉常主教率團訪問京、寧、滬,使天主教與內地關係得以改善,還有回歸前擔任中葡聯絡小組“三大問題”之一的中文官方地位的談判代表……見證澳門多個重要的歷史時刻。


MOP 110.00

《葡萄牙人在華見聞錄》收錄了由方濟各‧沙勿略神父、貝爾西奧神父、加里奧特‧佩雷拉、加斯帕爾‧達‧克斯修士、若奧‧德‧巴洛士及費爾南‧門德斯‧平托等人撰寫關於16世紀來華葡萄牙人在中國所見所聞的一些記錄,這些記錄原為葡文,由王鎖瑛女士進行輯錄、翻譯及校註。王女士為葡萄牙中華文化之友協會會長,原為阿威羅大學教師及研究生導師,長期從事中葡雙語教學翻譯及研究工作。 16世紀初,葡萄牙人終於到達了名為“大明”的大中華帝國。他們來自古老的歐洲,卻發現這裡的世界更古老;他們來自文明的國度,卻發現這裡的文化更燦爛;他們來自發達的國度,卻發現這裡的經濟更繁榮。當時來華的葡萄牙人包括神父、商人等均對中國的風土人情感到耳目一新,因而不吝筆墨,紛紛執筆寫下自已的所見所聞,並異口同聲地讚歎當時的中國是一個近乎完美的理想世界。他們的描寫細緻入微,栩栩如生,使讀者們感受到仿佛是在觀看一幕幕已知或未知的舞臺劇。