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Review of Culture, Chinese edition, no. 106 (RCC)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

See Table of Contents in the publication

Review of Culture, International edition, no. 60 (RCI)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

Issue no. 60 has three columns: "Piracy in Asia", "Sea Rotes", and "Art".


MOP 140.00

他寫出了《歌集》、榮譽、海難,在《盧濟塔尼亞人之歌》中寫出了民眾的覺醒。他是一個純粹的詩歌天才,是我們(葡萄牙)文學中最偉大的詩人,他就是卡蒙斯,無論這樣評價他會讓自稱比卡蒙斯更偉大的詩人佩索阿多麼痛苦。除了卡蒙斯為我提供的最簡樸的範例外,沒有任何東西適合我,我也學不會任何東西。他純粹的人性,例如那種驕傲的謙卑,為我樹立了榜樣。   —— 何塞‧薩拉馬戈

The Long Journey: The Forbidden City and Maritime Silk Road

MOP 1,070.00

The Long Journey: The Forbidden City and Maritime Silk Road features a total of nearly 150 exquisite cultural relics from the collection of the Palace Museum related to the Maritime Silk Road. These cultural relics highlight the rich fruits of the Ming and Qing courts’ exchanges and interactions with the outside world, illustrating the splendour of the Forbidden City culture in fine contrast with other cultures along the Maritime Silk Road.


MOP 260.00


A Pearl of the Sea - Macao's Urban Evolution

MOP 360.00

This book is published in Chinese, Portuguese and English with excellent pictures and text. It introduces the fact that before the 20th century, Taipa and Coloane were islands surrounded by the sea, while the northern tip of the Macao Peninsula connected to mainland China. After the mid-19th century Macao gradually extended to the sea through land reclamation, which increased land resources and profoundly affected the overall development of Macao.

攝影人的光影之旅 - 黃東明、譚啟漢、歐平訪談錄

MOP 110.00


Piratas nos Mares de Macau (1854-1935) - Fundo Documental

MOP 340.00

Com estes dois volumes, sob o título Piratas nos Mares de Macau (1854-1935), coloca-se à disposição de todos os cientistas sociais e do público em geral uma vasta documentação, que se encontra à guarda do Arquivo de Macau, sobre um assunto particularmente relevante da história política, económica e social de Macau (séculos XX e XX). Ao longo de várias centenas de páginas, reunindo mais de 400 documentos, estes livros são um convite ao surgimento de novos projectos de investigação relacionados com o tema dos “piratas dos mares de Macau”, construindo novos saberes sobre a História de Macau e das relações Portugal-China.