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Review of Culture, Chinese edition, no. 105 (RCC)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

See Table of Contents in the publication

Review of Culture, International edition, no. 58 (RCI)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

Issue no. 58 has four columns: "Heritage", "Historiography", "Book Review" and "The Dimensions of the Canon ".

Review of Culture, Chinese edition, no. 104 (RCC)

MOP 150.00
MOP 135.00

See Table of Contents in the publication

A Cherished Memory from 1999 - Archives Exhibition in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Return of Macao to the Motherland

MOP 110.00

As part of the joyous celebration of the 20th anniversary of Macao’s return to the Motherland, the Archives of Macao publishes a selection of over one hundred records from the collection of the Committee for Celebration Activities from All Sectors for the Return of Macao to the People’s Republic of China (CDSMP) to share important moments and milestones of the reunification and revive a collective memory that has been cherished for long.

Assemblage of Treasures - Exhibition of the Macao Museum Collection for Celebration of the 20th Anniversary

MOP 320.00

Written in Chinese, Portuguese and English, the book is illustrated to introduce Macao is a place where Eastern and Western cultures meet. As China’s significant gateway toward the world, Chinese people and Western settlers have been living in Macao for over four centuries, where many different cultures coexist. As a comprehensive urban museum with tangible exhibited items, the Macao Museum not only documents the constant changes in the course of Macao's history, but also displays the city's cultural heritage and humanistic charm.

Italian Renaissance Drawings from the British Museum

MOP 220.00

The catalogue, in soft cover, records 52 works by 42 artists of the Renaissance Italy from the exhibition Italian Renaissance Drawings from the British Museum. Artists include Mantegna, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian, Raphael, and Rosso Fiorentino, among others. Divided into 6 sessions, namely ‘The Human Figure’, ‘Movement’, ‘Light’, ‘Costume and Drapery’, ‘The Natural World’, and ‘Storytelling’, the exhibition explores some of the themes that characterise Renaissance art. The catalogue also provides readers special articles, map of Renaissance Italy, glossary, etc.

Selected Poems by Li Dan

MOP 80.00

(This book was published in Chinese) Li Dan (1933-2009) was a poet born in Macao, whose poems, in his early stage, were filled with patriotic passion and romantic imagination, while his later works have a calmer, more introspective character, with refined images and philosophical thoughts. This book is the first to gather Li Dan's poems. It includes 76 selected pieces and broadly presents his creation trajectory and the poet's stylistic changes. It helps on indirectly reflecting the evolution of Macao's poetry, from its content to its aesthetics, throughout the second half of the 20th century. It also includes interviews, forewords by friends and family, photographs, as well as essays about the appreciation of poetry, granting a multilayered introduction to the life and poetry of Li Dan, whose name is well-known but whose life is unknown in Macao's literary history. It is a contribution towards expanding the study of literature and poetry in Macao.

Selected Works from Collections of the Macao Museum of Art

MOP 290.00

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and of the Macao Museum of Art (MAM), MAM publishes this collection catalogue in six sections, namely "Historical Pictures", "Guangdong Paintings and Calligraphy", "Ceramics", "Macao Images", "Arts of Macao" and "Performance Art", aiming to report and showcase to the public the wonderful pieces of MAM collections gathered in the last two decades while letting them feel and experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture and Macao’s peculiar multi-cultural environment.