Albert Lai ‧ Série Taipa

Reminiscências da Antiga Taipa II

MOP 80.00

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The Firecracker Industry in Taipa

MOP 200.00

The Chinese edition of this book was first released in 2013, with the second printing in 2014 and the third printing, on which this English edition is based, in 2015. This book is to introduce the story of Taipa’s firecracker industry from its birth in 1923 to its eventual demise in the last quarter of the 20th century, including details of the development of the firecracker industry in Taipa, the six firecracker factories in Taipa, the traditional process of making firecrackers, and the demise of the firecracker industry in Taipa.

A Indústria de Panchões na Taipa

MOP 80.00

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Fábrica de Panchões Iec Long

MOP 80.00

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Fábrica de Panchões Iec Long (Edição Actualizada)

MOP 80.00

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A Indústria de Panchões na Taipa

MOP 80.00

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